This has always been the most popular item we have sold from NotPerfect Linen. We carry it in straight sizes only with no modifications to their original design and sizing. We currently have 57 colors available in XS, S, M, L and XL and even some in XXL. The price is $92 + tax within WA state +$10 flat fee for shipping orders under $200. Heavyweight Fabrics, add $5
Current Colors (Some sizes may not be available): Amber, Aqua, Beige, Bronze, Black, Burgundy, Burnt Orange, Caffe Mocha, Camel, Cornflower, Dark Grey Blue, Dark Turquoise, Dusty Rose, Espresso, Grape Wine, Heavyweight Beige, Heavyweight Black. Heavyweight Khaki, Heavyweight Navy, Heavyweight Redwood, Heavyweight Small Gingham, Honey, Ice blue. Lightweight Black Gingham, Lightweight Blue Gingham, Lightweight Sand Gingham, Lightweight Blue Stripe, Metallic Grey, Natural, Natural Grey Stripe, Red Wine, Saffron, Salmon Blush, Mid-Sand Gingham, Swedish Blue, Salmon Blush, Vintage Green, White, Juniper, Teal, Redwood, Heavyweight espresso, Heavyweight salamander, Heavyweight toast, Lavender, Eggplant, Admiral, Greenish mustard, Lightweight bronze Gingham, Emerald Green, Magenta, Blue Mélange, Oat milk/graphite Gingham, Natural/white Gingham, Magenta, Charcoal Blue, Moroccan Red